Archive for 2014
Tia’s GROUP 3 and BPISS photo! Big thank you to Judge Marion Postgate for awarding ‘BIS BPIS BPISS MBBIS GRCH AmberBull In It To Win It’!
We are over the moon with how well MBBIS CH AmberBull In It To Win It did… her second weekend out, and she was awarded BOB, GROUP 3, BPIB on Friday and Saturday, and BOS on Saturday and Sunday. She also picked up 8 points towards her Grand Championship!
Fernridge’s Gold Finger, a pretty baby girl sired by our boy Bubba (CH AmberBull Lights Camera Action!), was awarded BEST BABY PUPPY IN SHOW on Saturday and Sunday at the Mt. Cheam show! She’s such a cutie! Congrats to owner/breeder Inge Mijinke and handler Cheryl LaValle!
What an awesome weekend for our Tia!!! We are thrilled to say that in just one show, MBBIS CH AmberBull In It to Win It, aka Tia, finished her Canadian Championship! She started off with WINNERS FEMALE, BEST OF OPPOSITE and BEST OF WINNERS two days in a row… and finished off with BEST OF BREED, GROUP 2, and BPIG, all in a huge entry! We are so pleased with Anastasia and Tia for finishing so quickly!
Brock’s (AmberBull Brock ‘N’ Roll) photo from the Renaissance Dog Association show, winning WINNERS MALE, BEST OF WINNERS, BEST PUPPY IN BREED, and BEST OF BREED over specials! Handled by our daughter Anastasia, they also made the final cut in the group! Way to go, Brock and Anastasia!
Tia’s second BEST BABY PUPPY IN SHOW ! This was taken at Oceanside KC, where Tia won BEST BABY IN GROUP every day, and BEST BABY IN SHOW 2 out of 3 days! Thank you to all of the respected Judges for recognizing our little girls quality! Thanks also to our daughter Anastasia for handling Tia, they make such a great team!
We are very pleased with our little girl Tia (AmberBull In It to Win It), who went to her first show this weekend! All three days, under Australian and Canadian Judges, she won BEST BABY PUPPY IN GROUP! Also, two of three days, she won BEST BABY PUPPY IN SHOW, over very cute competition.
Thank you to respected Judges Mr Serge Tassan, Mrs Silvana Tassan, and Mrs Kim LeBlanc for recognizing our girl’s potential!
Our daughter Anastasia has done an excellent job training and showing Tia!
Anastasia winning BEST OVERALL Junior Handler with Bubba (CH AmberBull Lights Camera Action!) at the first show in 2014! What a great start to the year! It was a tough competition but they did it!
AmberBull Brock ‘N’ Roll, BEST PUPPY IN SHOW at the Mt Cheam Dog Show! Thank you to Judge Mr Edward McDonald! This was the same day he got his first three points – first day in the ring! Not the best photo of Brock (it was a long day, he was so tired lol), but a great win! Great presentation by Anastasia Chitova!
AmberBull Brock ‘N’ Roll, Brock’s BEST PUPPY IN GROUP photo! Thanks to Judge Dr Terill Udenberg for this win! Brock also picked up 3 points that day by going BOW!