The Lower Mainland Dog Fanciers dog show was held on February 24-26, and we attended with Amber (Ch AmberBull’s Flirty Figure Skater) and Parti (Miradon Parti Dress). This was Parti’s second show, and on February 24th, she got WINNERS FEMALE and BEST OF WINNERS for her first three points! On the first and last day, Amber got BEST OF BREED over nine dogs! On Sunday, she went on to Group Judging, and won SECOND IN GROUP! She received 43 top dog points! Thank you to Judges Mr. Karsten Kaemling and Mrs. Michelle Scott for these awards. Also, thank you to our Handlers Anastasia Chitova and Cheryl LaValle for beautiful presentation of our dogs.
There was also Junior Handling on Saturday, and Anastasia showed Amber in the Intermediate Open class. Anastasia and Amber got First in the Class, after a tough competition! This wonderful team went on and showed beautifully together, and won Best Overall! Thank you very much to judge Jill Scholl for this amazing win.